We have built a wide network of organisations working on this agenda and together we are developing business proposals for space of use on sites across the LLDC area.

︎︎︎ Rise Up East is a consortium of youth organisations that have come together to provide positive opportunities and interventions for our young people in the community. Our consortium is part of a Pan London programme called My Ends which is funding communities to work in a hyperlocal way to overcome and reduce violence. Rise Up East will act as key stakeholders as we progress.

︎︎︎ UCL aims to create an inclusive innovation hub that will provide UCL staff and students a place to engage in community-focussed enterprise, and promote knowledge sharing between academia and business.

︎︎︎ ReLondon aims to support circular economy businesses (in particular SMEs) with opportunities & resources, to help them grow their operations and impact across London.

︎︎︎ SHIFT Innovation District, the LLDC, the GLA, LBH and LBTH are providing funding and play a governance and connector role to support the success of the project.

︎︎︎ Yodomo is a social venture on a mission to increase wellbeing and promote the understanding of reuse of materials by facilitating wider participation in making and crafts.  It finds creative ways to turn trash into treasure, and believes that making is good for people and good for the planet.  Yodomo collects textile waste from businesses and makes it available to creative people to transform it into something new.  Yodomo provide programme delivery support for the OnUs youth maker programme. Trampery and Peabody have provided a rent free space for the programme for a year.

︎︎︎ Poplar HARCA provide programme delivery support for the OnUs youth maker programme. Trampery and Peabody have provided a rent free space for the programme for a year.

The Textile Reuse Hub has been made possible by the Greater London Authority’s (GLA) High Streets For All Challenge Fund and support from the London Borough of Hackney. In 2021, the GLA funded the HWFI CDT to deliver a circular economy initiative in the area, to demonstrate new ways of using the high street area and engaging young people in this agenda.

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